Biological Assessment excerpt 1
The purpose of this Biological Evaluation (BE) is to address the effect a field study to assess the behavioral changes associated with marine energy converter sound on marine mammals (Proposed Action). In this study, marine energy converter sound will be replicated by an underwater transducer suspended beneath a small, moored vessel. Human observers will make observations of marine mammal location and behavior from shore, complemented by observations from a stationary instrumentation package on the seabed. Specifically, this BE evaluates the potential consequences of this research on endangered or threatened species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) or their designated critical habitat. The United States Department of Energy (DOE) is proposing to allow expenditure of federal funds (Proposed Action) by the University of Washington (UW) for the project described herein (Project) and seeks concurrence from the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USDFW) that the Project is not likely to adversely affect ESA-listed species or their designated critical habitat.Project
Sounds - AdmiraltyDocument
Biological Evaluation REV 1.2